Tuesday, November 04, 2008

For Your Consideration

No, this is not a post about the Oscars. (Though one is soon to come, I assure you.)

This is to spark dialogue about a piece of unhealthy propaganda and its consequences. What say you?

The Evidence
The original letter - James Dobson writes a heinous 'Letter from 2012 in Obama's America"
The response - Jim Wallis writes a well-articulated response, in my humble opinion.

What's your stance?
5 words or 5 paragraphs...whatever. Just chime in!


elisabeth said...

I think I don't really know what to think about these two letters. But I do agree with Jim Wallis in that Dobson's letter is nothing but a fear tactic, and I do not agree with using fear to get your way. Jesus didn't use fear to draw people to the truth, He used love. So how, then, do we think it's okay to use fear in order to persuade groups to do what they want you to do? This is a technique of terrorists (all types...), not true Christians. While James Dobson might have some fact to back up his predictions, he in no way know how the future will turn out, and this letter is not a way to encourage, but rather to make people afraid. Why not write a letter using facts about the present and present concerns, rather than scaring people from a "letter from the future". The Bible warns us to beware of false prophets...

Anonymous said...

just stopping by and your post caught my eye:

I think it makes complete sense that a lot of the liberal-left thinks Christians are brainwashed. Why does Dobson have the right to pick out the most important issues in an election? Where is energy policy? Where are the poor?

Thanks for posting both of these articles.
